The evolution of technology and the increasingly competitive workforce is making it extremely difficult to find a work/life balance. With the job market yielding fewer positions for the number of college graduates and qualified employees, the pressure to excel at...
Active, Passive, or Proactive?
Recent statistics from Glassdoor show that 35% of workers currently employed in the work force will search for a new job within the current year as a result of not receiving a pay raise but, what about the other 65%? Some...
How Employees are Evolving
Right now, we are seeing the evolution of employees first-hand. Jacob Morgan, a contributor from Forbes, wrote the following article describing the common employee traits 10 years ago compared to current employee trends "Employee Evolution". As time and technology...
Putting Your Best Foot Forward – Asking Questions During Your Interview
Rehearsal is an integral part of interview preparation as it helps candidates build the confidence needed to answer the questions interviewers will be asking and gets the conversation off on the right foot to show employers the candidate is right...
Find a Mentor
Mentorships can assist you a great deal throughout your career which makes them something often sought after by professionals. Mentors can help you at many points in your career, giving valuable resources and guidance that can aid in advancement to...
Tips for College Graduates

It's the beginning of May 2014, the flowers are beginning to bloom and the weather is getting nicer. Its also the time of year when many young adults will begin their search and enter into the workforce. For many new and...
Office resolutions
Of course we have some resolutions for 2014! Walrath staff members shared these personal and professional goals for the new year:"I want to fully learn this job inside and out - I love it! And of course, eat healthier and...
Meet Deanna
We play Scattergories as a family and all of us cheat by Googling the answers", Deanna replied when I asked her what she likes to do with her mom, dad, and older brother. Turning Stone Resort Casino is another regular...
Getting to know our staff – Meghan Sullivan
She recruits, specializing in the Engineering and Construction industries, and she's a Siena Graduate with a background in Management. What else does one really need to know about Meghan Sullivan?For starters, that she's a very warm and friendly individual. More...