As a professional career counselor, I have been a practicing for almost 20 years now, and my clients have taught me a lot about authentic personal and professional development. Many of them reach a crossroads at the mid-life stage. Often...
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Networking Quick Tips
Networking is a contact sport. Are you taking full advantage of the networking opportunities available to you right now? Here are just a few tips I've learned about the neglected art of schmoozing: 1. Get Goals - What is my objective...
10 Tips for Finding the Perfect Internship
An internship is a short-term work experience in a professional environment where the emphasis is on learning versus earning. You will learn new skills, gain insider contacts and references as well as clarify your career goals. More and more students...
Volunteer into a Career
You can't get a job without experience and you can't get experience without a job. Volunteering is a low-risk and calculated way to facilitate a change that repackages the resume with relevant experience and new contacts: 1. Define Your Career InterestsWhat...