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Looking For A Valentine's Gift Idea That's Easy & Inexpensive, Yet Makes A Big Impression?

Love JarIf a romantic restaurant or an overnight getaway isn't in your budget for Valentine's Day, you can still create a Valentine's your partner will always remember.

Creative homemade gifts are are a great way to show your partner how much you love him or her, without spending a lot of money on a gift, especially when your special someone is hard to buy for. This gift idea is one that both men and women will appreciate, and the best part is, you don't have to be very crafty to create it!

Let's call it the Valentine's Day Love Jar, and here's how it works: Carve out some time, and write down a bunch of different things you love about your sweetie. It can be anything, from how they always start the morning coffee, to the funny things they say when they talk in their sleep, to how much you love their smile -- whatever you can think of.

Cut out each note, fold it up, and drop it into the a glass jar. You can decorate the notes with craft stamps, stickers, hand-drawn hearts... or simply leave them plain and let the words be the focus. Soon you will have a jar full of little love notes to give to your sweetheart on Valentine's Day.

How many notes should you write? It's completely up to you! You could make it an even 50 or 100, or you could let inspiration strike you throughout however long you have to prepare your gift, or you could go with a number that has special meaning in your relationship - for example, 10 notes for your 10th Valentine's together.

For the planners out there -- and you know who you are! -- you could start writing a note a day beginning February 15th. You will end up with 365 moments throughout the year. They can be something special you did together that day, or just an expression of love and gratitude. Add the date you wrote it to give the note a time stamp, and make it even more of a special memory once it's read.

When you present the Love Jar, your sweetie can either open all the love notes that day as you read them together, or they can open one each day for as many as you wrote. While it could take an entire year to get through the jar, this can be a great way to start each day with a positive affirmation from the one you love. For those with busy families, you could read several each month or week as part of a 'date night' routine.

The Love Jar is a wonderfully creative, yet easy and inexpensive way to show your Valentine that you love them. Give it a try!

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