When I was 19, I took a night job at a laundromat in Sharon Springs cleaning the baseball uniforms for the players of the Cooperstown Dreams Park. In August of that year, I met two 17 year old boys, Mark...
Chew On This

I do not enjoy cooking. Actually I kinda loathe it. For one thing, I'm not a planner. When I see someone pull the chicken out of their freezer because that's what they're having for dinner the next day, I start...
A Mystery Wrapped in a Riddle Inside an Enigma…But I Call Him Dad

To say my father marches to the beat of a different drummer is an understatement. My Dad is a character. He is unlike anyone else and his capacity is mammoth. By this I mean that he holds within him the...
He’s Only Testing You

I am, by nature, a fairly passive parent. I try not to let the little stuff get to me and I am very picky about my battles. If I can let it go, I do. I do set boundaries when...
Little League – A Dream Come True

When I was a little girl I did not dream of one day getting married, having a big wedding, a house, a career, or money and hobbies. Nope, I dreamt of one day bringing my son to his very first...