Q: How do I become an adjunct professor? I've always wanted to teach, and it seems like so many schools want people with lots of experience. I just finished my bachelor's degree but know I'd be good at teaching.A: I...
Fearless vs. Thoughtless Feedback
"It is not advisable, James, to venture unsolicited opinions. You should spare yourself the embarrassing discovery of their exact value to your listener." from Atlas Shrugged.Some of the best feedback in an organization that I have seen is of the...
Dealing with Workplace Stress
"When the last thing you want to do is deal with any humans, the best thing to do is to deal with many humans." Robert James Braathe, 2009I've found that the worst thing one can do during difficult times is...
Twitter as a Job Search Tool
Twitter's growth and acceptance has exploded over the last year. More and more users sign up each day to update people on what they are doing and where they are going.What I have found to be one of the most...
Supplemental Income or New Job?
Q: I recently was promoted at my job to a management role. Although I am in management now, I only am working part-time hours (on average 25-30 hours a week) I'm also getting my MBA at the same time (and...
The Objective of a Resume vs. The Objective on a Resume
Q: Should I put an objective on my resume ?A: Depending on who you speak with, you will get a different answer. To me, an objective OF a resume is more important than the objective ON the resume. Are you...
Being “Too Good” In an Interview
One of my more memorable interviewing moments was when I interviewed to work at a resort. My boss was a colleague to the manager at this resort, so I was able to get feedback after the interview.I went into the...
Dealing with “It’s Not Policy”
Q: I recently submitted a resume for a position as Director of Innovation for a hospitality industry company. I had prepared an "innovative" cover letter presentation but was unable to get it attached through their website process. I posted my...
The Career Fair To End All Career Fairs (Part 2)
As I mentioned in Part 1, I received 3 job offers from the career fair. About two weeks after the fair, after followup interviews, I received an offer that I accepted. However, it was not the job that was my first...
Posting Openings For Your Company – Do’s and Dont’s Part 1
There are so many resources out there where one can post job openings and calls for resumes, but there still are ineffective employee searches going on on both sides of the fence. Employers are posting very often too late in...