I don’t believe in New Year’s Resolutions (I believe in new day and new hour resolutions), but if you are making changes in 2020, start by using LinkedIn more often. Join me for a webinar this January to learn more about utilizing this amazing tool better. Sign up at http://beyourstart.eventbrite.com or setup a call...
Great. I’m getting out of the Army. What am I gonna do next?

Being in the military is a huge accomplishment, but now it’s time to do something else. Yay! Wait, what are you gonna do? By: Desaree’ Pinkham, Penn State Business Senior & Management Intern at Braathe Enterprises Saratoga Springs, NY 2-38 Cav, 504th BFSB deployed to Kosovo out of Ft. Hood, Texas ...
LinkedIn Profile Creation, Development and Enhancement Services
Have you been wanting to join LinkedIn but don't know where to start? Do you want to make new connections but feel your profile isn't up to par yet? Robert Braathe has over 7000 LinkedIn Connections, 1000 endorsements and 100...
9 Tips to Hiring Successful Employees
By: Keely T.
Over the years, the goals of recruiting have changed. In the article, Hiring the Hero: 9 Traits to Look for In Successful Employees by Andreina Woodworth, the author discusses that it used to be about finding a set of...
Give a LinkedIn High Five to Your Colleagues, Clients and Co-Workers
I've found great pleasure and abundance from sharing my connections with others just starting out in business, seeking career change, or looking to expand their social and business network. I encourage you to give your friends and trusted associates a...
What is a Virtual Intern and How Virtual Internships Can Assist Your Business
Since January 2011, Braathe Enterprises has mentored over 80 students through the Braathe Enterprises Virtual Internship Program. Working remotely with students for 5-7 hours per week, we have managed to produce some great improvements to resumes, engaged in incredible skills...
Job Hunt In An Incestuous Business Environment
Recently, a few job seekers have contacted me about their concerns about the job market being too incestuous, where there seems to be too many of the same people rotating among the same positions at different companies due to their...
How to Get LinkedIn Recommendations and Video Testimonials
LinkedIn recommendations and video testimonials are two great ways to get people you've worked with, worked for and who you've made a difference with to tell people how wonderful you are. Having someone other than yourself tout your greatness and...
Word of Mouth and Schmoozing and Boozing Works
I talk to my students, virtual interns, and colleagues nearly every day about how important it is to network, schmooze, and have booze (or other suitable beverages such as coffee or a soda) with colleagues, potential employers, or key connectors....
The Job Search and LinkedIn
I volunteered my time yesterday at the Times Union Job fair from 10-1 yesterday to critique resumes of those who were seeking jobs at the fair. One of the recurring themes I saw among the resumes I reviewed was the...