Working in structured 15, 25, and 50 minute increment work sessions can prevent quite a bit of time and scope creep. I find that when I map out my day in these increments, I am able to get strategic rest breaks, clear resets from one topic to another, and greater focus. Anything that could...
New Day vs. New Year – Reflections on 2021

As I look back at the end of the year, what stands out to me as the biggest lessons are: 1. Learning to be more generous with energy and more stingy with time – By giving others my all, it doesn’t matter how much time has passed as long as I’ve given them all...
The Balance That Comes With Peak Performance Time
Are you struggling with a lack of productivity in your workday? Do you lack the excitement for some of the mundane tasks in your business? It may be time to do some time diary entries to see when you are the most productive. Personally, I find 6:30-8am to be a peak performance period for...
Using Slack to Collaborate on Projects With Your Team
See some tips on how to use Slack to collaborate and communicate more effectively with your team....
Stop Thinking – Stop Talking – Be Curious
I challenge you to do three things this week: Stop Thinking - let your unconscious mind work on your issues, or write them down for contemplation later. Get them out of your own head. Stop Talking - limit yourself to...
Lebron James Miami Experience – College after College
What we learn in the ivory walls and lecture halls is meaningful, but very often our best experiences come by traveling to new places and meeting new faces. For me, it was spending nearly 5 years at the Walt Disney...
Take a Cue from Rudy Giuliani – Start with The Little Things
I read Rudy Giuliani's book Leadership in grad school and I learned how important it is to stop the "petty crimes" which generally are done by people who are responsible for the bigger crimes. Similarly, at the workplace, we need...
Take Yourself on a Workation
One of my favorite things to do in May between the semesters is to take a "workation" - part work, part vacation. I get more done on my workations than during most workweeks, because I am away from the day...
Avoid Having Your Time Hijacked By Others
It is easy to allow ourselves to have our time wasted by others if we don't set clear expectations up front. To manage your time, and to prevent from having your time hijacked by others, set some clear expectations using...
Join The 1000 Words or Less Challenge
Budget your spoken words today, and watch how your clarity improves, as well as the meaning behind your words. HR problems result from misspoken words, inappropriate language and selective listening more than pretty much anything else!...