By: Desaree’ Pinkham, Penn State Business Senior & Management Intern at Braathe Enterprises – Saratoga Springs, NY Can you think of a business that you’ve visited where your customer service was second to none? You were mesmerized by the experience, so much so that you had to tell someone? Oftentimes,...
Marketing and Technology
By Jacqueline Senecal, Braathe Marketing Intern
In today’s day and age, being able to market a company has never been more available to everyone. Traditional marketing, such as television ads, are expensive and many businesses in the past wouldn’t have been able to reach their audience. Now, with technology, the Internet can be used to reach those customers. This provides...
Which Platform of Social Media is best for Business?
By Marielle Bose-Moody, Braathe Marketing Intern
As a consumer, I have a strong opinion about what platforms of social media are better for businesses. Facebook and Twitter are best for communicating with customers. If a customer has a problem with a product or service, they will most likely complain about it on Facebook or Twitter. On Facebook, customers can check...
4 Types of Social Media that can Help Your Company
by Mackenzie Cox
4 Types of Social Media that can Help Your Company Social Media is a platform that all business should take advantage of these days. Whether it be through LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc. the point being made is if a business is not online it could be left behind. By not exploring your company’s...
Business Training At Braathe Enterprises

Business Training At Braathe Enterprises If you are looking for customized business workshops, training and classes and Business consulting. Braathe Enterprises is the right place for you! We offer Customized training options including a combination of online and classroom...
Recruiting is a very important part to any organization. Positioning the right people is the right job is the task Recruiters face worldwide. But the climate of more and more people looking for jobs, recruiting needs are only increasing. Developing...
M Stands for Marketing
By Keely T.
I thought since it's the beginning of March, I would focus on Marketing which is another important aspect to having a great business or product. There is a lot more to a marketing strategy than just creating a few...
Face The Facts and Avoid F.A.C.T
Life is made easier by facing the facts. In the workplace, their are four things you need to manage appropriately in order to be more successful Frustration Attitude Confusion Talking If you can keep these four in control by making...
Robert Braathe is Hot
November 17th, 2013. The day I realized I'm hot. High Octane, Transcending We all are hot when we want to be. I look at this "hot" as an opportunity each week to dedicate at least 10 hours of consciousness to...
Your Next Job May Be For Yourself – Become an Entrepreneur in Latham
There comes points in our lives when many of us realize that the best job we can have is to work for ourselves. While this doesn't mean you have to give up the job search, having your own business allows...