Being in the military is a huge accomplishment, but now it’s time to do something else. Yay! Wait, what are you gonna do? By: Desaree’ Pinkham, Penn State Business Senior & Management Intern at Braathe Enterprises Saratoga Springs, NY 2-38 Cav, 504th BFSB deployed to Kosovo out of Ft. Hood, Texas ...
How Career Services Will Improve Your Resume
By Gigi Benami, Braathe Marketing Intern
It may seem strange to ask another person to look at your resume and cover letter, asking for edits. After all, who knows you better than yourself? However, at Braathe Enterprises, we have an exceptional resume editing program that will make your work stand out in a sea of papers. Braathe enterprises focuses on...
BE Career Services
By Jacqui Scenecal, Braathe Marketing Intern
Resumes, cover letters, and LinkedIn profiles are key factors to a person’s career. Employers want to know that they’re getting the best hire they possibly can, and with the best of these three things, that can almost be guaranteed. However, just creating these yourself to get the best outcome can be difficult. At Braathe...
BE Career Service Center
By Oscar Marchi, Braathe Marketing Intern
At Braathe Enterprises we believe it is optimal to create the best image of yourself in the business world. This starts with having a resume and cover letter that employers and clients will remember, so when the time comes for them to hire your name will be at the top of their list. Braathe...
How to Write a Resume
By Gigi Benami, Braathe Marketing Intern
Writing a resume may seem easy in retrospect, but when you’re sitting in front of your computer, looking at the cursor blinking, it may be a bit more difficult to figure out where to start. Begin by writing out a list of your achievements. Discuss past jobs, volunteering opportunities, your school history, and specific...
Business Training At Braathe Enterprises

Business Training At Braathe Enterprises If you are looking for customized business workshops, training and classes and Business consulting. Braathe Enterprises is the right place for you! We offer Customized training options including a combination of online and classroom...
9 Tips to Hiring Successful Employees
By: Keely T.
Over the years, the goals of recruiting have changed. In the article, Hiring the Hero: 9 Traits to Look for In Successful Employees by Andreina Woodworth, the author discusses that it used to be about finding a set of...
10 Interview Questions to Prevent Hiring a Fake
By Keely T.
With so many options out there for questions to ask potential candidates, here are some questions to ask to prevent you from hiring a fake. According, to the Society of Human Resources Management, 53% of job applicants fabricate personal information....
Why The Hiring Process Needs To Include Resumes with Names Removed
I am a believer that sometimes the name of the person at the top of the resume can lead to a poor hiring decision. One of the scenarios I like to mention is one where two applicants are applying for...
Lead Your Business Life Like Billy Joel’s Greatest Hits Volume 1 & 2
Billy Joel released Greatest Hits Volume 1+2 in 1985, about 12 years into his career. The album version contained many songs, but with abbreviated versions of a few of them. The CD version, which came out a bit later, had...