Working in structured 15, 25, and 50 minute increment work sessions can prevent quite a bit of time and scope creep. I find that when I map out my day in these increments, I am able to get strategic rest breaks, clear resets from one topic to another, and greater focus. Anything that could...
Mental Health Awareness in HR
By Marla Johnson
Mental health awareness is a vital aspect to embrace in any workplace culture. If employees suffer from a mental health crisis without any support, it can be difficult for them to manage their jobs and responsibilities, which can cause a decrease in productivity. Human resource professionals play a significant role in building a healthy,...
Cut Back on Loser Language and Defeatist Thoughts
What is loser language? Loser language is anything that presents your situation in a way that states that it is unsolvable. Words and phrases like confused, frustrated, struggling, busy, “I don’t have time”, and “I don’t know” are all dead-ends to conversations and change. Instead of confused, ask questions for clarity. Instead of reaching...
New Trend of “Quiet Quitting”
Employees Should Be Careful To Follow This Trend, by Madi Costigan
The term “quiet quitting” has been popping up in recent business news and on social media. Its connotation is negative, and it describes how workers, especially millennials and Gen Zers, may shift to doing the bare minimum in their job because they felt burnt out and unrewarded for working hard. Some view it as...
Evaluating and Prioritizing Elements of a Job Offer
Madi Costigan
It is likely that when you are looking for a job, your main focus will be researching companies, applying to positions, and preparing for interviews. Then: congratulations, you made it through all of that, and you are hired! But now what? Navigating job offers and ensuring that you receive what you want can be...
Details From the Field: Interview with Maintenance Founder Shirley Grimsley
Kaitlin Dobay
This is an interview between Kaitlin Dobay an Braathe Enterprise intern with Shirley Grimsley founder of Coastal Maintenance. Shirley Grimsley opened a maintenance company on St Simon’s Island in 2006 after owning and working a 2 people painting and paper hanging company for years previously. Not only was she able to keep the company...
A Company-Employee Relationship is a Two Way Street
Kaitlin Dobay
Employee retention and the desire for a candidate to consider applying can ultimately be placed on compensation, but compensation is not only salary but can be the benefits that come along with the employment. Benefits show that companies care about their employees, their well-being, and giving them the tools to achieve future success. Insurance...
Thinking About Asking for a Raise?
Kaitlin Dobay
Whether staying at a company long term, getting more responsibilities, or think your contribution should earn more? Raises are inevitable to want at some point in your career and knowing who, what, when, where, and why are all key to succeeding to obtaining that goal. An easy first step is reading your handbook and...
Employee Recognition
Maria Espinosa
Establishing methods to encourage employee recognition and satisfaction is a major key to reduce attrition and ensure employees that desire to continue with their workplace for many years. In exploring the factors that affect employee retention, I discovered multiple methods of increasing employee retention. Employee retention is cited as a number one concern for...
New Day vs. New Year – Reflections on 2021

As I look back at the end of the year, what stands out to me as the biggest lessons are: 1. Learning to be more generous with energy and more stingy with time – By giving others my all, it doesn’t matter how much time has passed as long as I’ve given them all...