With so many options out there for questions to ask potential candidates, here are some questions to ask to prevent you from hiring a fake. According, to the Society of Human Resources Management, 53% of job applicants fabricate personal information. Here are 10 important questions to ask to see whether or not they’ll be a good fit for your company.
1)What brings you here to this interview? (This question can give an employer insight into candidates current views on boss, coworkers, and what they hope to gain from out of new job.)
2) Why should our company hire you? (Should be able to articulate their assets.)
3) What are your short term and long term goal? (A ready response indicates someone who has drive, focus, and the ability to plan ahead.)
4) What are your weaknesses and how do you compensate for them? (Best candidates will be able to be honest about their weakness paired with how they are working on their shortcomings.)
5) What would others say your greatest strength is? (A twist from the normal “what is your greatest strength” and has the candidate see themselves from another perspective.)
6) Describe your best boss and your worst boss? (Candidate will reveal how he or she sees others.)
7) What are you hobbies and passions? (Getting to know a little bit about what makes the candidate tick, and how they spend their time.)
8) Do you work better alone or as part of a team? (This can go either way. However, most people tend to work better one way or the other.)
9) Describe a past failure that you’ve learned from? (Whatever the candidate shares will give you insight into how well they can handle difficult situations.)
10) What makes you stand out as a candidate? (This is the candidates opportunity to sell themselves.)
By asking questions like these, you’ll be able to get a better idea of whether the candidate will work well on your team.
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