Being in the military is a huge accomplishment, but now it’s time to do something else. Yay! Wait, what are you gonna do?
By: Desaree’ Pinkham, Penn State Business Senior
& Management Intern at Braathe Enterprises
Saratoga Springs, NY
2-38 Cav, 504th BFSB deployed to Kosovo
out of Ft. Hood, Texas
Transitioning is hard for anyone, whether you’re a SGM or a SPC. It’s kind of scary to get out of actually.
“Resumes are stupid. That’s basically what my ERB is. Can’t they just look at that?”
“I was an 11B. It should be obvious what my skills are.”
Eventually all transitioning military members realize that the civilian world works differently (and no, the civilian world won’t think your stories from deployment are funny). Figuring out how to translate your skills to civilian English is a lot simpler than you think.