Virtual teams can be distributed across different offices or departments within a single organization or they can span time zones, industries, and national borders. In addition, cultural differences influence the way people interact.
It is important to follow a routine that suits the person.
As a remote worker, you are no longer applying the traditional commute steps to the office with your car or public transport. However, it is very important that you plan the start and end of your workday and be able to prepare yourself for the day. Otherwise, you’ll find yourself staring at the clock in the afternoon, realizing that you’re entering back-to-back meetings without changing your pajamas and moving from your seat.
It’s important that you plan your routine, but here are some rituals that you can incorporate into your own habits:
- You can eliminate repetitive decision-making by writing a daily-weekly to-do list or preparing your meals in advance.
- By adjusting morning and evening routines according to your hobbies, you can avoid the fact that working in a fixed place during the day and spending the entire day in one environment will affect you negatively. it’s quite simple, and although these are things everyone knows, paying attention to these details and being able to adapt them to our lives can help us greatly. It can prevent you from losing motivation and help you have a more active and happy day.
In addition to creating a balanced routine, you can also try the Pomodoro Technique for a more productive workday.
This technique got its name from the tomato-shaped timer used by Franscesco Cirillo. The Pomodoro technique was developed in the 1980s.
1- Time control and efficiency
2- Plans and objectives
3- Motivation and productivity
- One study session lasts 25 minutes. Then take a mini-break lasting 5 minutes. The sum of these periods is 1 pomodoro. (1 pomodoro equals 30 minutes).
- Take a 25-minute break when you’ve completed 4 pomodoros in total. Completing 16 pomodoro per day is considered ideal.
- The Pomodoro technique helps to finish things at a high level of focus. With short breaks, attention is always kept fresh, maximum focus is provided and less mental fatigue is felt. Thanks to this technique, it is possible to work efficiently and increase productivity.