I sometimes feel that nothing is worse than being nearly 40 and being single; the questions, the surprise, and the uncertainty from others as to why I have waited this long to get committed with the woman of my dreams. However, I must say that I have made some wise decisions when it comes to dating, and it is usually because I can smell from a mile away a lack of commitment or other issues.
When you are looking for the right mate, do you do any of the following?
1. Talk about your exes
2. Talk about your opposite sex friends and how great they are
3. Talk about other people you are dating
4. Neglect to return phone calls, emails or texts in a timely manner
5. Act erratic or non-committal
If you do any of the above 5, you may be lacking commitment.
Apply the same 5 no-no’s to your job search:
1. Talking about your former employers
2. Talking about rival companies and how great they are
3. Talking about other companies you are interviewing with
4. Neglect to return phone calls, emails or texts in a timely manner
5. Act erratic or non-committal
Very alike!
Next time you are out looking for a special someone, or special job, avoid doing things on the top 5 list above, and you may very well find that special opportunity you’ve been wanting.