Q: To what extent do corporations use behaviorial studies to hire individuals? Do human resource departments do studies on individuals behaviors of any nature or do any psychological testing?
A: I’ve been a part of a number of psychological tests or personality tests during hiring processes. Each of these tests were designed to be a supplement to the hiring process, not necessarily a vetting tool. When used responsibly, these tests are used to determine the motivating factors behind people’s work ethic, character traits to determine what a person is like, and to sometimes weed out a negative or combative personality.
Some of the concerns I have heard from people on these tests are that they are so easy to rig because it’s pretty clear what the answer is. I also have heard that it can be a tricky method to make sure that you answer the same way consistently.
On the positive side, I’ve seen people say it is a good way to determine if people are following sound ethics, if they are combative in the workplace, and to ensure consistency. As well, they can be used to match up complimentary personality types.
One of my favorite personality tests is the DISC model. A series of questions are used to determine what your major personality style is, followed by any backup styles you may use from time to time. To date, this is the most valid model I have seen used in the workplace.