Q: Why do so many companies do phone interviews vs. in person interviews? Phone interviews seem so impersonal.
A: Phone interviews allow companies to pre-screen applicants, cut down on travel expenses, and enable more flexibility in meeting with applicants. As a participant in a phone interview, some tips to make it more personal include dressing up for it like you are on an in person interview, using webcam software to connect more directly, and asking the same type of open ended questions as you would in a normal interview.
Next time you have a phone interview, try using one of the methods above, and see how more effective your interviews can be. Likewise, as a candidate, keeping an open mind to phone interviews can open yourself up to meeting with companies in many different locations without the expense of traveling. By stressing in a cover letter that you’d like to speak with someone about an opportunity away from your current residence, but are open to relocating, you can put yourself ahead of local talent gunning for the same position.